Gallery Hours:
11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Closed Wednesdays
The Quicksilver Mine Co.
6671 Front St. (Hwy. 116)
Downtown Forestville
PHONE: 707.887.0799
FAX: 707.887.0146
MAIL: P.O. Box 844
Forestville, CA 95436
Email Quicksilver
� Sonoma's Own
The Quicksilver Mine Co.
"They Call Us River Rats"
Stories with Bob Jones
Thursday, November 18, 2004
The Quicksilver Mine Co., as part of the Gallery�s
ongoing series of small cultural and literary events, presents an
intimate evening of stories and storytelling with local author and
newspaper columnist Bob Jones on Thursday evening, November 18,
beginning at 7 p.m.
Jones� soon to be released book They Call Us River
Rats: Characters and Calamities on the Lower Russian River, is based
on a wonderful collection of columns written for various West County
newspapers over the years.
About some of the many characters who
live or have lived along the Russian River from Forestville to the
coast, his stories include one about Oscar strapping the organ up to
the rafters of the Guerneville Community Church so that it missed
the flood of �86; Aunt Sophie who lived to be 102 by taking two
Anacin when something hurt; Wendell Joost carrying soggy caskets out
of his mortuary after the flood of �67 and having someone drive by
and yell "That's the cheapest funeral I ever saw!"; and others about
jazzmen Richie Cole and Bob Lucas; Father Monaghan of St.
Elizabeth's and his golfing exploits; "Nin" Guidotti who, as
supervisor, got River Road put in; "and on and on
" says Jones.
Bob Jones
"They Call Us River Rats: Stories with Bob Jones",
is open to all, although seating is limited. Donations are
gratefully accepted.