Say You End Up In Memphis

is an experiment
to determine
how long
it takes to leave home

Traveler is randomly adventure
-some, he might casually miss
his plane to Fargo, North Dakota,
then calmly (with no hesita
-tion) book a flight to
Memphis, Tennessee

landing, to get into the mix,
he poses a series of questions
to the Memphistians: "Did you have
a healthy breakfast, do you vote,
  you free??? (Also)
  where for example
    is your

with the answers, pleasantly
full of Memphis, traveler
hails a cab back to the airport.
he pokes around leisurely,
polling well-dressed passengers
as to destinations they
dream about:
          Downtown Dallas
          The Catskills
          Maybe the

he decides he wants to
belong again. He wants upon
his final arrival to be
greeted by MOM,
"Home," Robert Frost said,
"is when you go there,
they have to take you in."

there, with Robert Frost in a
frontal lobe, he gets high on the
magical moment, takes out his
flask (he likes to hit the
flask, so he does.)
and relishes the nostalgia
of once again, Belonging.
So, HOME is where we must go.

"Say You End Up In Memphis" (detail)

by Jack Carter

Please email Khysie for more information about Jack's available artwork